10/02/24 13:35
2024-143 Team paged code 3 for female party having a cardiac/resp. event near the Mt Bierstadt TH.
09/29/24 16:01
2024-142 Team paged for an overdue hiker on Mount Blue Sky.
09/28/24 23:15
2024-141 Team paged code 3 for a sick hunter in the Chicago Lakes area.
09/28/24 09:15
2024-140 Team paged for a lost 62 YOM party in the Pickle Gulch area in Gilpin County. Day 2
2024-139 Team paged for a lost 62 YOM party in the Pickle Gulch area in Gilpin County. Day 1
09/21/24 21:22
2024-138 Team paged for a injured male party in the Silver Dollar Lake area.
09/20/24 14:44
2024-137 Team paged for two overdue parties in the Herman Gulch area.
09/19/24 18:55